
Thermae Together: Prospects after Covid-19

The World Federation of Hydrotherapy and Climatology (FEMTEC) announced prospects for International Thermal Centers and Spa after Covid-19

In a videoconference experts in thermal medicine and Spa leaders from 14 Countries addressed issues related to the sector after the Covid-19  pandemic.

The virtual debate took into account various socio-environmental realities, legal and health provisions and economic problems and new health demands that arise.

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Hygienic safety, offers with new therapeutic and rehabilitation proposals, and a concrete inclusion in the health system of the territories with general doctors and pharmacies were included in agenda.

Also the integration between hospital and territorial medicine; as well as strengthening scientific research, professional and technical training in medical hydrology and the use of telemedicine

That’s were some of the proposals and operational strategies that emerged from the International Online Workshop where Experts, leaders of institutions and category associations attended.

Professor Umberto Solimene president of FEMTEC was the videoconference moderator.

Thermal Centers and health systems

Solimene addressed the current problems in the centers related to the pandemic of the Covid-19.

Participants stressed the importance of financial and regulatory support from respective governments to save a sector that plays a key role in the health system.

It was pointed out that these important facilities must be perceived as complete components of national social and health systems.

In recent years that subjects have been prioritized to promote tourist and recreational wellness image.

Wellness tourism is an important integrating factor cultural, psychological, economic of the offer, but it should not be the priority of these centers before the current health demand.

Therefore, according to the participants the pandemic is an opportunity to analyze and define the future including new therapeutic offers, promotion of lifestyles and prevention, integrating respect for the environment, culture, and socio-sanitary regulations.

To this end, it was proposed to create an International Working Group composed of experts in various disciplines and prepare a document-guide of activities in the different areas to present it to the competent national and international organizations and institutions.

For other general information, conferences and guiding documents of this Workshop visit:

FEMTEC World Federation of Hydrotherapy and ClimatotherapyFEMTEC is the most representative association of SPA and health organizations in the world, under the aegis of the World Health Organization. It is composed of national Spa and health resorts associations and federations and central state organizations dealing with Spa problems from many countries and

Wellness Destiny / Foto: Ernie Kasper (Pixabay)