Message to Wellness Destiny.
Message to Wellness Destiny
Scientific Editor: Prof. Umberto Solimene,
University of Milan
The World Health Organization has confirmed as NGO in official relations the World Federation of Hydrotherapy and Climatotherapy (FEMTEC) in consideration of his support to the international strategies.
This important signal confirms the worldwide trend of a strong growth in the demand for services linked to psychic and physical well-being and treatment and rehabilitation including by natural methods and techniques.
Spas, widely distributed, represent one of the most deeply rooted components in the living cultural heritage of Europe and Italy in particular. As well as an important opportunity for therapy, they are also significant social phenomena.
The scene of Spa going in the past few years has undergone many changes. We have gone from a medical and health service presented to a certain target in a situation of a single market to a service that is not only medical and to a client in a highly competitive market.
In addition, a broader and more correct view of health is increasingly asserted, understood not only as the prevention or cure of disease, but as attention to the state of well-being, the development of the potential of each individual and as the achievement of inner serenity.
Consequently, it appears evident that Spa Integrative Medicine and Thalassotherapy, supplemented by methods and techniques of Rehabilitation and Well-being, confirmed scientifically, today regain their full relevance. In addition to the scientific heritage of Western medicine, medical knowledge of ancient traditions, including those far from our own, but scientifically valid according to the research models of Western science (acupuncture, phototherapy, techniques of relaxation, Chinese and Indian medicine) take on importance.
SPA, is the term now used all over the world to indicate a place (thermal spa or wellness centre) where hydrotherapeutic treatment takes place. It has a twofold origin: from the name of small town in Belgium, celebrated since medieval times for the curative properties of its mineral waters or from the abbreviation “salus per aquam”.
However, this situation does not always correspond with correct professional information to the operators of the sector, which is also of great interest to the patient / client who frequents or is interested in these health resorts.
This is one of the most important motivations of this new international magazine.
An International Scientific Committee that will guarantee not only international accreditation, but also objective and updated scientific information for readers honours WELLNESS DESTINY.
It will contain communications and scientific works of international authors, researchers, operators of Spas, Wellness and Health Centers, to provide an instrument of theoretical and practical global knowledge, as well as articles and interviews of specialized journalists, interesting ludic and cultural information, updated for all passionate about the new Wellness trends.
The journal WELLNESS DESTINY is under the patronage of the World Federation of Hydrotherapy and Climatotherapy (FEMTEC) and the European Association of Wellness Medicine (AEMeB) and with the contribution of the SOLYMED TRAVEL & EVENTS Company, specialized in Health and Wellness Tourism and international organization of Congresses, Fairs and International Events.
Good reading for all!
Prof. Umberto Solimene
“Asociaciòn Europea de Medicina del Bienestar”
“Asociaciòn Europea de pacientes y clientes de los Centros Termales” (EAPT)