Nudism, tourism, angels and demons
The Norway beaches are nudists.
No rules in Norway are active that prohibit wandering without any clothes.
Nevertheless, that places are not a paradise or hell.
According to psychologists that beaches are nudists because Norwegians are “open” minder people.
Nudism is today a popular tourism mode even if many persons generally admitted fears to be nude.
Religions see the publicly naked human body as a step towards hell.
Perhaps that is why the International Naturist Federation created in France in 1974 defined nudism as naturism.
The French federation affirms that nudity it is a way of life in harmony with nature.
The intention of that kind of “undress community” is to promote self-respect, respect for others and the environment
Nudists: neither angels nor demons
Some nature lovers define the nudism “practice” as normal.
After all, undressing takes only a few seconds.
But those seconds when we are dressed and then we are not in the middle of a crowd are decisive. A real change in our lives.
The first thing that experts advise is precisely an open mind
Like when someone learns to swim, the first thing is to get rid of fear.
For nudists apprentices are many fears
“Everyone will look at me”. Maybe that feeling can be compared to a nightmare.
Another obstacle is when a nudist candidate before undress in public feels that “I will look at everyone” without being able to avoid it.
More complex is feel like “everyone will look better than me”
The discomfort of being naked” it is made of many fears
Naturism is a perfect bridge to reach nudism.
Is a philosophy of health and fitness and back to nature.
The global tourism industry promotes nudist beaches although it limits them with warning signs or places them in relatively remote places.
Some nudism places are popular. Spiaggia di Guvano in Corniglia, Italy, is a very isolated populated beach.
The Red Beach in Crete. Greece, the Plage de Tahiti and the exclusive St. Tropez, from France, are prestigious sites
Samurai Beach in Port Stephens, Australia and the Bellevue Beach, in Klampenborg, Denmark offers beautiful nature.