Congrès Africain du Tourisme Médical TUNISIA 2021

Theme of the Congress:

Tunisia – Privileged Health Destination Afro-Euro-Mediterranean

Health Tourism

Promotion of investment and export of health services Thermal tourism -Spa-Thalassotherapy,

Senior citizen tourism, Accessible healthtourism Sustainable health tourism

THURSDAY 25 November 2021

8H30-09H30Welcome and Registration
9H30-10H15Get Together party
–       Presentation of the organizing committee
–       Presentation of the scientific committee
–       Movie Presentation : Tunisian Tourism
10H15-11H00Coffee break
Government challenges in implementing health services export strategy
11H00-12H001. Health services export strategy: Achievements in strategy implementation and Challenges
Dr Nadia Fenina, DG of the Health Services Promotion and Export Unit – Ministry of Health
Dr Rim Trabelsi

2. The role of Tourism Ministry in promoting health tourism
Mrs Mejda Ben Sedrine,  Quality Director -ONTT

3. Health tourism within the framework of world diplomacy: The e-VISA
Mr Mustapha Asakri, Deputy Director 
Mme Safa Souissi, Computer expert Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Challenges of medical tourism in the face of the Covid-19 pandemic
1. The impact of COVID-19 on the health tourism sector – Means and tools of the medical tourism facilitator to mitigate the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic.
Mr Ghazi Mejbri, President of the Chambre Syndicale Nationale des Entreprises de Soutiens aux Services Médicaux -Tunisia 
2. Actions undertaken by the authorities to secure the foreign patient circuit.
Dr Rim Trabelsi, Director – Health Services Promotion and Export Unit – Ministry of Health
3. Role of Hydrotherapy in Long Covid Treatment
Pr. Taoufik Khalfallah, Professor – School of medicine of Monastir – Hydrotherapy Expert FEMEC – Tunisia 
4. Reestablishment of thermal centers and environmental sustainability in a Post Covid world
Dr Florana Menendez, Vice-president FEMTEC – Femtec Health Tourism Commission- Italy 
5. Telemedicine and artificial intelligence in e-health, opportunity in post-covid
Dr Mohamed Ben Hmida Ceo Doqtoor-Expert E-Health 
13H30-15H00Lunch and networking
Inauguration of AMTC-TUNISIA
15H00-16H00Visit of the Exhibitors’ space
Opening Ceremony of the AMTC-TUNISIA Congress

•         Welcome Speech by the President of the Congress
•         Speech by the Minister of Health, His Excellency  Pr. Ali Mrabet
•         Speech by the Minister of Tourism and Handicrafts, His Excellency Mr Mohamed Moez Belhassine
•         Speech by official guests and partners
•         Speech by Pr Umberto Soliman – FEMTEC President (visio-conference)
16H00-16H30 Coffee break and networking
Health Tourism Offerings in Tunisia
16H30-17H301. The added value of the health system
Dr Khaled Nabli, Vice-president of the « chambre syndicale des cliniques privée »
2. Digitalization & Modernization of the medical Field
Dr Khaldoun Bardi, Vascular surgeon – Member of Medicare academy – Tunisia

3. Aesthetic surgery: state of play and prospects in Tunisia
Dr Muriel Bessis, President of the « Association des réussites et des ratages de chirurgie esthétique »
4. Oncology challenges in Tunisia
Dr David Khayat, Head of the department of medical oncology, Hôpital de la Pitié -Salpêtrière à Paris

5. Potential of the pharmaceutical industry in Tunisia
Dr Anis Klouz, CEO Siphat 
Thermal tourism and thalassotherapy in Tunisia
17H30-18H001. ONTH’s achievements in developing the hydrotherapy sector
Mr Mohamed Skhiri, General engineer – Direction of studies and programming – ONTH- Tunisie

2. Geriatric tourism and hydrotherapy: From preventive to curative
Dr Abderraouf Abdennebi, Expert in Hydrotherapy – Thalassotherapy-Spa – Tunisia
18H00–18H30Summary of the first day

Friday November 26, 2021

Health tourism security: recommended certification and accreditation
9H30-11H00Quality of medical and health tourism
1. Ensure safety and satisfaction of medical tourists
Emre Ali Kodan Healthcare Expert, Turkey

2. Standard ISO 22525: 2020 Medical tourism – Service requirements
Dr Kaouthar Meddeb- President GP Health Tourism – FI2 Thalassotherapy and medical tourism Expert- Tunisia

3. Quality system and certification of thalassotherapy centers according to ISO 17680
Mrs. Siwar Ben Salah – Sworn inspector in charge of hydrotherapy control –ONTH –Tunisia

4. Healthcare Accreditation and its prospects in Tunisia
Dr Sihem Saafi INEA Health-Tunisia

5. Quality of care and patient safety: Feedback from INEAS
Dr Asma Ben Brahem, INEA Health -Tunisia
11H00-11H30 Coffee break and networking
11H30-12H30Impact of international reglementations and health insurance on the quality of the results and patient satisfaction
1. Quality approach of the clinic: Which one to choose?
Inna Dashechenko, President, Association of Medical Tourism -Ukraine

2. Insurance needs and solutions throughout the Health Tourism value chain
FTUSA -Tunisie

3. The future of health insurance in Medical Travel – A global dilemma
Abdeljalil Adeymi Manager GTA Health Insuance -Togo

4. The key role of governments in the development of medical tourism.
Mme Basma Machatt Hamami, Jurist  MAE Insurance PhD in private law Faculty of Juridical sciences Tunis- Tunisia
12H30-14H00 Lunch and networking
Opportunities for investors, partners and entrepreneurs
14H00-15H00Investment opportunities and challenges in the health tourism sector
1. Facilities and benefits of investors in medical tourism
 Dr Abdelaty el Mannai- General manager Travel Care -Egypt
2. Healthcare investment in Africa: Experience, manpower and infrastructure.
Investment Direction, Ministry of Economic Affairs – Tunisia / BAD
3. The healthcare sector in Africa (visio-conference)
Mr Bilel Rahmouni Directeur des représentants de CEPEX à Yaoundé -Cameroun
4. Development of the Thermal and Thalassotherapy industry in Cuba : New possibilities for foreign investment and entrepreneurship
Dr Florana Menendez – vice president FEMTEC – Femtec Health Tourism Commission- Italy
15H30-16H30Entrepreneurs and small business owners as strategic partners
1. Promotion of convalescence sites
Mr Karim Abdelwahed President of the « Association Tunisienne de la promotion de santé »
2. Role of convalescence centers in the medical tourism value chain
Dr Chiheb Haddou – CEO convalescence Gammarth – Tunisia
3. Impact of Functional rehabilitation centers on the medical tourism value chain
Dr Chokri Hentati-Physical rehabilitation Doctor -Tunisia

4. Experience of Alzheimer’s Center in Tunisia: neurocognitive rehabilitation in Alzheimer’s disease.
Dr Afef Hammami CEO-AFA Center-Alzheimer- Tunisia

5. The role of SPA Centers (SPA Resort – Day Spa- Médi-Spa) for the future of medical wellness Tourism
Mr Lutz Lungwitz, President of German Medical Wellness Association – Germany
16H30H-17H15 Coffee break and networking
17H00-17H30Contribution of public-private partnership in strengthening the health system

1. Private sector support of healthcare in Africa: Realities and Perspectives
Prem Kumar -Medical Tourism consulting -India

2. Strengthening cooperation and medical assistance between southern countries: the advantages and challenge
Dr Sergine Fallout – member of the national council of physicians- general administrator polyclinique Louis Pasteur -Senegal
3. A wider scope for healthcare Travel
Dr Fawzi Al Hammouri –Chairman of the private Hospitals Association Jordon, Honory président of the global Healthcare Travel Council – Jordon
17H15-17H45Summary of the second day

SATURDAY 27 November 2021

Marketing Medical and Health Tourism: Developing a sustainable destination
9H30-11H00Application of marketing principles
1. Insights on travelers’ behavior from AI- driven data analytics
 Vidya Rani Expert Health care – U.A. E

2. marketing tools and mechanisms for valuing and promoting medical tourism in post-covid
Prof. Imen Trabelsi Trigui Director of Marketing Research Laboratory – University of Sfax
3. Adoption of the International Patient Summary: A universal model for digital continuity of care
Izhar Mahjoub information system consultant specializing in digital health – Tunisia
4. The Topic: Branding your country for Medical Tourism
Pr Ilan Giva, University instructor, Expert in integrated marketing -USA
5. The new Health and Wellness Tourism web site
Pr Florana Menendez – vice-présidente FEMTEC – Femtec Health Tourism Commission- Italy
11H00-11H30 Coffee break and networking
Role of E-Health in medical tourism – Ethics and Legal challenges
11H30-12H451. Contribution of telemedicine in the development of the export of health services and medical tourism
Pr Aziz El Matri specialist in kidney disease and hypertension Tunisia
2. Telemedicine dilemma between innovation and medical ethics
Pr Majed Zewni  Forensic medicine –Farhat Hached Hospital – Sousse –Tunisia  
3. Digital contribution in dentistry
Dr Ben chaabane Anis – secrétaire général adjoint Conseil de l’ordre des médecins dentistes –Tunisie
12H45–13H00Summary of the Third day

Conference conclusions and recommendations

Closure of the African Congress of Medical Tourism AMTC – TUNISIA


Workshops : Pr Ilan Giva – USA & Dr Prem Jagyasi- India

  1. Strategies to develop sustainable medical tourism.
  2. Develop the perfect PPP medical tourism model
  3. Identify key branding strategies to build the brand image and position as a prominent health tourism destination.
  4. Create Viable and Lean Marketing strategies for various Health Tourism programs.